
Directory of entrepreneurship support organizations

Maximize your chances for success

With access to more than 600 entrepreneurship organizations in Québec, success is yours. We have built a directory of entrepreneurship support organizations that are available to you and can be easily consulted as needed.

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It’s our business to help you. Don’t hesitate to contact us so that we can guide you in identifying the organization that is the most relevant and best adapted to your needs. When we’re online, chat with us. You can click on the help balloon in the lower right-hand corner of the screen.

Contact us

To which statement do you relate the most?

  •  I have no idea what to do
  •  I have a business idea and I don’t know what to do
  •  I have a business project, but sales are low
  •  I have a business and I want to grow 
  •  I want to acquire a business

What is your region of Québec?

What is your city or borough of Québec?

What kind of guidance do you need?

Results found : 663
Microcrédit Montréal


3680, rue Jeanne-Mance, bureau 319, Montréal, H2X 2K5
H2X 2K5  Montréal

Phone number

514 843-7296
Visite website
Centre Expé – Formation professionnelle


340, boulevard Morin
J1T 3C2  Val-des-Sources
Visite website
Centre Expé – Formation professionnelle


520, boulevard Poirier
J1X 0A1  Magog
Visite website


302-648, 36e avenue
H8T 3M1  Lachine

Phone number

(514) 705-5042
Visite website
Centre de Formation Professionnelle des Riverains


120 rue Valmont
J5Y 1N9  Répentigny

Phone number

(450) 492-3538
Visite website
Affaires Internationales au Féminin
Visite website
Agri Conseils


555 boulevard Roland-Therrien, bureau 110
J4H 4E7  Longueuil
Visite website
Hive Montréal


55 Rue de Louvain Ouest, Suite 360
H2N 1A4  Montréal
Visite website
Entrepreneuriat Haute-Yamaska


1300 Boulevard industriel
J2J 0E5  Granby

Phone number

450 777-2707
Visite website
Solidarité Ethnique Régionale de la Yamaska


369, rue St-Jacques
J2G 3N5  Granby

Phone number

(450) 777-7213
Visite website
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